Now the documentation gives you the steps for a Windows vCenter. Good, but what about vCSA? Here are the steps to integrate VASA with vCSA.
You will have to install the vCenter installed, ICE installed, and installed the Storage portion of the Insight Control for vCenter plugin on the ICE host.
In the storage administrators portal (there is a link on the desktop after installing), you will want to add your array and input the credentials. These are standard steps in the documentation.
Docs: ICE for vCenter User Guide
1.) SSH to the 3PAR array(s) and start the CIM web service.
cli % > startcim
2.) SSH to vCenter and as root run the follwing command:
keytool -exportcert -v -keystore /etc/vmware-vps/ssl/sms.keystore -file /root/sms_new.cer -alias sms
3.) Copy the newly exported cert from the vCenter host to your local machine. I had scp in my path you could use WinSCP or others.
scp root@virtualcenter:/root/sms_new.cer .
4.) Open your browser to the host where the the ICE for vCenter Plugin is installed. The default port that was assigned to the VASA service on my install was 3513.
-> Click Browse to certificate and upload
-> Click Submit
5.) Restart the VASA Windows service on the host where the ICE for vCenter Plugin is installed. This is not in the documentation but it helped get it working.
Restart VASA windows service
Service as seen in services.msc is "HP 3PAR VASA Provider for VMware vSphere Web Service"
The actual Service Name is TpdVmVasaWebService for the scripters and commandliners
6.) Open up vSphere Client (web or traditional) to add the storage provider.
Home > Administration > Storage Providers > Add
Use Vendor Provider Certificate -> Browse to the sms_new.cer
The VASA plugin does not want usernames and passwords you have to use the certificate. Otherwise all attempts to authenticate will fail. There are sections in the documentation with more information.